Specialist – Operations manager of customer and sales department
Full time @Cryoviva Vietnam Tissue Bank Co. Ltd. trong Chăm sóc sức khỏe Lưu hồ sơ Chia sẻ việc đến 1 emailYêu Cầu Công Việc
Mã Việc Làm 99509
- Cấp bậc Trưởng phòng
- Số lượng cần tuyển 1
- Kinh nghiệm 8 Năm+
- Giới tính Nam
- Học Vấn Thạc sĩ
Chi tiết tin tuyển dụng
Job position description:
o Directly responsible for the operation of the Company, especially the process of implementing projects from abroad, transferring technology, storing and preserving products;
o Directly responsible for the contents of consulting and working with customers in the Vietnamese market related to stem cell processing and storage;
o Direct contact and negotiation with foreign partners in the transfer of products from abroad to Vietnam and from Vietnam to abroad;
o Plan and propose solutions for cell-related technology development to the Board of Directors;
o On behalf of the Board of Directors to receive important business plans and strategies in the chain of foreign companies and corporations in the field of cell processing and storage;
o Receive and process information related to professional issues from customers during the implementation and signing of contracts;
o Participate in training courses and seminars on technology transfer and stem cell storage abroad to facilitate the process of working with overseas partners as well as consulting for customers in Viet Nam;
o Participating in working sessions at laboratories and cell storage facilities in foreign countries;
o Based on the knowledge and experience gained during working abroad, advising the Board of Directors on processes, plans and working plans with partners who are large companies and corporations in the country. outside.
Requirements on qualifications and work experience:
o Graduating from an equivalent university or higher, majoring in Business Administration or other related majors at leading universities abroad;
o Having at least 14 years of experience working in the position of Operations Manager of Customer and Sales Department or other similar positions at large foreign companies and corporations operating in the medical field, health care; providing stem cell collection, processing and storage services;
o Knowledge of the Company’s operations and industries, specifically knowledge of the field of technology transfer and stem cell storage;
o Understanding the culture, people and working style of partners and customers from Asia (specifically, India, Singapore, Thailand);
o Having presentation and persuasion skills and negotiating with foreign partners and customers;
o Willing to participate in training courses and seminars within the scope of assigned work, thereby retraining the Vietnamese human resources department.
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Nhân viên sale cước vận tải hàng air
- @ Công Ty TNHH DFT
- Hà Nội, Việt Nam, Hà Nội, Việt Nam